Low level flight conditions over Iceland
OUTLOOK 1700 - 2300 GMT.
Winds/temperature at significant levels:
FL050: 190/70-95KT, -00
FL100: 210/80-P99KT, -09
FL180: 220/80-P99KT, -26
Overview of weather systems:
400 km ENE of Cape Farewell is a 950 mb low, moving NE.
Near surface winds:
S and SW 50-75 KT, but somewhat lighter wind in the NE-part at first.
Cloud heights/visibility/weather:
OVC at 0500-1500 FT with rain and heavy rain in the S and W parts in the afternoon with poor visibility. Mostly SCT/BKN above 2500 FT in the NE part and good visibility until evening. Topps over 20.000 FT.
Visual flight conditions in Iceland:
Poor/impassable in the S and W part, but good or marginal in the NE.
Freezing level:
4000-5000 FT.
Atmospheric or cloud icing:
MOD/SEV in the S and W part.
Other information:
Mountain waves likely and see Sigmet's.
Textaspár eru skrifaðar af vakthafandi veðurfræðingi á Veðurstofu Íslands.